Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 26 - Ugly Ottoman to Pretty Ottoman

Day 26 - Re-doing an Ottoman

A friend of mine had this Ottoman sitting around here house she really didn't like, need or have any use for, so she asked me if I could use it. At first I thought that is a horrible thing why would someone ever try to do that to anything, that material is ugly, than I thought ehhh what the h*ll I can always reupholster it

So that's exactly what I did, we don't exactly have to many places to get fabric around here and I'm impatient so I didn't want to order it online and wait to come in or, it would get to be one of those I'll do it later projects lol

Anyways I went to the craft store to check out there selection of fabric, and found some jean colour stretchy material that the lady said would suit it just fine. I ended up get a yard and 1/4 just to make sure I had enough.

With the materials I needed at hand
1 and 1/4 yard fabric
staple gun
two sided tape
I set out to try my hand at this

How I did this-
1. Measured the fabric for all the areas I needed it, and cut them all to size I wanted, each piece I made sure was a few inches bigger than needed on each side so I would have rom to play with the fabric
2. Took all the ugly fabric odd the Ottoman (I found an even uglier Ottoman underneath lol)
3. Took the cushion off the top. Flip it upside down (This one has wheels on it and depending how close to the sides they are you may have to take them off, I didn't the staple gun fit nicely beside them)
4. Starting with the 2 longer sides I stapled the fabric to the underneath lip making sure it was nice and tight, I also wrapped about 3 inches of the fabric around the corners and stapled that to the shorter sides
5. I flipped the Ottoman back on the right side and stapled the fabric tight to the top.
6. I did the same step with the shorter ends of the Ottoman, making sure it was nice and tight. when pulling the pieces up the sides of it, I folded the sides in so you couldn't see any cut sides and it wouldn't fray later. I lined up those sides with the corners so now it has a nice little seem on each corner.
7. Once the bottom of it was done. I moved onto the top pillow. I laid the pillow in the middle of the fabric again brought the fabric up and around the 2 longer sides first and taped it onto the cushion nice and tight
8. Than did the same steps with the shorter side making sure it was all tight and folded the sides to match the sides of the bottom half.
9. I than put the Velcro on the bottom and top half so that the cushion would stay in place
First time reupholstering I think it turned out pretty good
Now to see if it with stands 2 new kittens a teenage boy and a mechanic hubby lol
(it is darker than what it looks in the picture)